EA-i3211 Carbon Isotope Analyzer

AMBA EA-i3211 Carbon Isotope Analyzer is a high reliability low running cost isotopic carbon analysis system for bulk organic and inorganic samples. Combining mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) with String Topology Waveguide (STW) technology has enabled a breakthrough cavity volume of less than 0.1mL. Combined with Dumas flashover technology, the resulting small volume sample path results in fast sample turnover rates with low sample volume requirements compared to previous technologies opening up the range of analytical possibilities.

The AMBA EA-i3211 is extremely versatile enabling the analysis of both liquid and solid samples with sample size requirement as low as just 0.2mg of carbon. Thanks to the absence of a GC column the system adapts to a range of sample weights and sample types with differing carbon content. Compared with traditional isotope ratio mass spectrometers and other laser-based isotope analyzers, the EA-i3211 has better repeatability and speed. It is the best tool for isotopic carbon measurement in food science, soil science, ecology, marine biology, materials science, proteomics, oil and gas and other fields.

All AMBA analyzers can be controlled remotely via the Internet enabling operators to obtain and share data from measurements in remote locations and allowing continuous monitoring of the instrument for optimum performance.

AMBA analyzer ownership includes instrument life-time access to our one-to-one customer service and technical support, right from product purchase, through to system integration and beyond.

Measurement Technique

Combining QCLs with STWs

Key Feature

0.1 mL ultra-small cavity

δ13C precision <0.08 ‰

Sample size for isotopic analysis as low as 0.2mg with micro, semi-micro and macro sample options

High-speed measurement, 288 samples per day

No high vacuum pump or special power supply needed

Compared with EA-IRMS, up-front costs around 2-3 times lower; running costs around 5-10 times lower


 Technical Specifications 


The front end (EA) and the analyzer(i3211) can be disassembled and used separately.
EA:For measurement of CNHS/O content of solid sample;
i3211:For measurement of CO2 concentration and δ13C
EA-i3211:For measurement delta 13C of solid samples

Measurement Range

CNHS/O (EA):C: 0.002-20 mg; N: 0.002-2 mg;H: 0.002-5 mg;S:0.002-6 mg;O: 0.002-2 mg
CO2 Concentration(i3211): 0-10000 ppm
δ13C (EA-i3211): 0.2 mg~1 mg C


CNHS/O (EA): < 3%
CO2 Concentration (i3211): 0.08‰(60s)
δ13C (EA-i3211): < 0.3‰

Measurement Interval

i3211(CO2 Concentration +δ13C):4Hz/1Hz
EA-i3211 (δ13C); < 5min


EA:He(Carrier gas),O2,Compressed Air
i3211:Calibrating gas(Optional)
EA-i3211:N2(Carrier gas),O2,Compressed Air


50 sample Autosampler carousel


i3211:48 cm(W)× 80 cm(D)× 47.5 cm(H)/25 kg
EA:98 cm(W)× 50 cm(D)× 37 cm(H)/68 kg


100-240 VAC, <1450 W at start up;1300 W in steady state

Product Applications

Food Science

Soil Science


Materials Science


Oil and Gas…